Friday, January 27, 2012

Can't we all agree that the media should stop purging people who make un-PC statements?鈥?/a>

Juan Williams of NPR is merely the latest person to be fired from the media for making "offensive" (read: politically incorrect) statements. Other people purged for un-PC statements in recent months include Helen Thomas, Octavia Nasr, and Rick Sanchez.

Here are a few quotes from the linked article:

"I don鈥檛 think Juan Williams is any kind of bigot: he鈥檚 just a normal, everyday, average American who 鈥?like the rest of us 鈥?was traumatized by 9/11, and will never get over it. I also don鈥檛 think Helen Thomas is a bigot 鈥?she鈥檚 just someone who is sick and tired of the double standard when it comes to the treatment of Arabs by Israel. Nor do I think Octavia Nasr is pro-terrorist 鈥?she just didn鈥檛 realize how deeply entrenched those double standards are. Rick Sanchez, on the other hand, is almost certainly a self-important fool, but his comments were not only not offensive but also true: Jon Stewart is most certainly not a member of an "oppressed" or otherwise marginalized group on account of his ethno-religious heritage, and there鈥檚 no two ways about it."

"National Public Radio is a joke: they broadcast nothing but government-sanctioned lies and pious liberal inanities. If this incident doesn鈥檛 lead to their complete defunding, then there is something seriously wrong. The fiction that they don鈥檛 want their "analysts" to engage in polemical or political speech is laughable: what about then NPR legal "reporter" Nina Totenberg said she hoped Jesse Helms died of AIDS? What about their reporter specializing in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Linda Gradstein, who took honoraria for speaking engagements sponsored by pro-Israel organizations? If we apply my theory of the victimological hierarchy to these prominent exceptions to NPR鈥檚 "policy," they become all too explicable.

NPR should be defunded, and not just because of their persecution of Williams. Publicly-funded media outlets invariably attract ideologues: look at the loon who was working for Voice of America until his own looniness caught up with him. And why am I not surprised that neocon smear merchant James Kirchick, whose pathetic attempts to link Ron Paul to neo-Nazis failed miserably, is now working for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty?

Let鈥檚 get rid of these archaic institutions: we don鈥檛 need "public radio" when we have the internet, which enables the public to speak freely and often. We don鈥檛 need Radio Free Europe or Radio Liberty because 鈥?guess what? 鈥?the cold war is long over. And most of all, we don鈥檛 need self-appointed Guardians of Political Correctness deciding what people can and cannot say, write, or think."Can't we all agree that the media should stop purging people who make un-PC statements?
No. Decency is never wrong.
unfortunately, this is the only way that americans will see the media for the farce it is.Can't we all agree that the media should stop purging people who make un-PC statements?
NPR is a liberal organization so Juan Williams making controversial comments is not good for NPR's liberals base
NPR should be defunded. I am sure George Soros only bought it because it's so cheap.Can't we all agree that the media should stop purging people who make un-PC statements?
Yep. I can think of a certain Internet company that should consider the same thing.
I agree with above comments when the Republicans ?tea party takes over lets de fund NPR and wile we are at it PBS as well its about time we put USA first again

In addition we should ban professor Teniure so we can get the lefties out of our kids schools
Funding for this kinda of left wing propaganda should be nipped. Nipped in the bud as Barney used to say. To fund ANY useless thing while in such debt is stupid.
I know what you mean but in times of hardship people are all too quick to drop their morals to make a few $$拢拢!

Double standards. Strange isn't it when you smear governments, via influential media of which they control you get call anti-authoritarians, or an advocates of anti-establishmentarianism

America already convicted some terrorist supporters from the Holy Land Foundation trial who funded Hamas, and it's reasonable to believe that Britain also has Islamic money laundering organizations too. Our immigrants and homegrowns openly speak about jihad on us, and the saying goes "where there's a will there's a way." No one jumps on them do they?. The reason for this is because the powers that be rely on the divided minds causing trouble amongst them selves (AKA divide and conquer) whilst being economically enslaved, the attentions of the sub-prime masses off those who are really exploiting them and robbing them.

It's dog eat dog out there, get smart and do the right thing.
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