Friday, January 27, 2012

How can you people say you support the military?

I serve, most of my cousins serve, my uncles, my father, my grandfathers, and so on, so let's get that out there now. I have an engineering degree, I could have earned over $100k a year, but I chose this path. Anyway, to my point.

I'm sick and tired of people using the military as a political tool, and you really run onto it, here on Yahoo Answers. I'm tired of seeing every question posed turn into liberals this, liberals that, and then some Republican confessing their love for the military, and how they support it oh so much. I have a few questions, I'd love to get answered. I want to understand this mental disorder.

1) How can you say you support the military, on when hand, then turn around and cry about taxes, and basically want to eliminate them? How will GI's be paid? Benefits handed out? Housing? Equipment? How will the wars be funded when you complain about taxes, but then you come on here and say stay in the desert for eternity if needed? I bet you'd oppose a war tax too, which is what we really need. Doesn't sound that supportive to me.

2) How can you say you support the military, then complain about government power and so called expansion, then spread idiotic ideas of the government, or President, allegedly trying to impose some kind of Nazi regime? So, you're basically saying that troops would massacre our own citizens? I guess we aren't the government, huh? Nice support there. Love seeing those "camps" on YouTube.

3) I love this one the most: How can you say start a draft, even though NOBODY in the military wants it, but then we find out that you don't even serve, your kids don't, your parents didn't, etc? Why wait for a draft, what is stopping you from joining up today, coward?

None of you "military supporting" conservatives contribute anymore to the cause than the so called liberals, so get off of your high horse. You people disgust me more than those who bash the military, because at least they're honest. Take that BS elsewhere, hypocrites.

Merchant Of Death has spoken. OOORAHHow can you people say you support the military?
Well said sir
Well when "I" served there was a draft, and I had no problem with it, if anything it provided an older more mature and often a more educated enlisted person. Very few of the draftees reenlisted, but those that did usually stayed in and retired.

Just one old farts input.

SFC U.S. Army 100% service connected disabled.How can you people say you support the military?
Hey, you know what??? I truly do support our military.. If I see someone in uniform, I have walked up to them %26amp; shook their hand %26amp; have stood back %26amp; said, "Thank you for serving %26amp; keeping me free".... however!!

It's the taxing I don't support!! We are being taxed to death!!! Every time you turn around, another new tax or a raise in taxes is being proposed. So, please, quit your whining that people don't support you %26amp; your family in the military. It's the damn government crap we oppose.
There's a difference between supporting a gov that is wrong in many ways and supporting the safety of the troops. i suppose party lines has something to do with your views. Do you think you're very patriotic paying income taxes when zero of it goes to pay off the national debt?

there's a lot of generalization in your comments, i cannot spend so much time arguing with you. god save you from your ignoranceHow can you people say you support the military?
i am a 10 yr veteran and 18 months in vietnam...the only thing i hate giving my life for are the idiots in this country saying we are baby killers and we kill the innocent ones...or we torture the POW's...what the hell do they think the enemy is doing to us...if america was attacked really hard and they killed our kids and citizens what would the cry baby's say then...i am pro military and without it..we would be an over populated 3rd world country or is it doormat
What is your point??
Speaking of hypocrites: Maybe all of "those people" that you are ranting about are just utilizing their Freedom of Speech that is guaranteed by the same constitution that you took an oath to uphold and defend. Get used to it and lose the attitude.
you forgot toby keith: if you wanna make money off the war, then it should be your base pay. not some hypocrit words from someone who is too big of a pussy to join up

George Washington warned about political parties for this reason: its members believe and do not what they feel is right, but what someone else feels is right. and instead of the members of government owrking towards a common goal, they work against anyone from a different political party as them.

that whole "stand with the troops or behind them" is bs. stand with us, or shut the **** up about things that dont directly concern you.
I lean towards the conservative side just like the majority of those in the military. That said, I support LOWER taxes. Obviously there must be some form of revenue, so taxation at some level is acceptable. But the founding fathers NEVER intended for 1/3 of my income to go to the US Government. I am for a single, fair, flat tax on consumer products, and very little to no tax on income. And why am I taxed again after I die? And why do 40% + of American not even pay taxes? Why do the top 1% account for nearly half of all taxes? Why do the bottom 50% account for less than 3% of the taxes.
Wow Merchant,

I hope you feel better.

Both my Husband and I were in the Military, as well as my Dad and Brother. Also one Cousin went to Annapolis, and another, an ROTC Doctor out of Rutgers, to name a few. Now of course we do support the military.

What we do not support is unfairly applied taxes, taxes should be mandated fairly, by a national sales tax or fair tax. In the U.S. everyone has the ability to succeed, it's the decisions we make that dictate whether or not we live a financially successful life. Prime example, YOU, "decided" to go into the military, that was your choice, to make money in the private sector or not.

This particular Congress and Administration is spend happy and some of their pork barrel projects are utterly absurd. As far as the Administration, goes try taking an objective look in the back ground of some of the people he has appointed to his cabinet or czar posts.

You mentioned the draft and no one wanting it. Okay how do you think we feel about Congress imposing a health care system the majority of people do not want? Believe me if the election were re-held today, Obama would not be in office, he is an adept orator and mislead or bamboozled the people.

The probability of the military turning on U.S. Civilians, would be extremely low, that's one I hadn't heard. Got news for you, conservatives do support the miliary, just not unfairly applied taxes, success is not suppose to be condemed or punished in America. Although Libs do love to do just that.

Rebuttal: You appear to be a very angry person, a visceral hostile Liberal. Apparently you don't like women either, by your Navy Wife statement. Perhaps it may be a good thing to obtain some counciling.
There was a democratic congressman who tried to pass a war tax of 1% of the amount of your income tax (so not much at all). The tax would go to support the war in Afghanistan.

Every conservative I know said Hell no to the tax. Why? Because they don't like taxes. But they like supporting the troops and the wars...but they don't want to actually PAY for it.

It was called the "Share the Sacrifice" bill, so that people would actually have to share part of the cost sacrifice associated with starting and finishing a war. Seems perfectly reasonable to me, since my husband is in Afghanistan.

But no...they just want to send him to fight, blindly say "God Bless You" on the street, and then fight against tax money that goes to support the wars they love, and the troops they love.

Makes NO sense to me.
1. Certain taxes are taken for certain things. Its not one big pool of money labeled “TAXES”.

2. Though the military is government, you can still limit government and still support the military. Such as limited government for health care, income taxes, bailouts, etc.

3. I do not support a draft, and those who do definitely do not remember or did not learn about the Vietnam war.

sounds like you're a little huffy because you joined the "wrong" branch (no offense to the soldiers and marines who actually put thought into which branch they were gonne join).
So, what you're doing is lumping every person together with the few you don't like? I happen to very strongly support our troops, despite the fact that I can't serve..though I would gladly go if they'd take me. I am one of the people, who believe that our military would remember its collective oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, rather than the whim of any one or more "leaders," but since I consider myself conservative, I must be a liar?

You and your high horse can both stick it.
Conservatives don't complain about the taxes that support the military, they oppose all of the tax dollars that are utterly wasted by the government (look at basically any program or anything the government pays money to outside the military, and look at how much waste there is)
  • papa ginos
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